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Friday, May 10, 2013

Asiatic Lion

Brianna Valentino                                                                          5/7/13

The Asiatic Lion is and endangered species the scientific name for the lion is Pathera Leo Persica. They have folded skin on their stomachs, the males’ main varies in color, and females are smaller than males. Males are about 550 lbs. females are about 400 lbs. and they are about 8ft long.

The lions usually stay in packs or groups. They are carnivores; they eat wildebeest, zebra, giraffes, gazelles, young elephants and hippos. They are nocturnal (they sleep during the daytime).

They are found in northern Namibia, Senegal east to Somalia, east Africa, Angola, Kalahari and east to Mozambique. They live on grassy plains, savannas and open woodlands.        

The population of lions before endangerment was 411. They ranged from northern India in the east thought modern Iran, south of Arabian Peninsula.

            Some of the things that have killed this species is the clearing of jungle forests, hunting, and because people hunt their prey. A national park and ion sanctuary has been successful in taking care of the last remaining wild population.
(Glenn,CR.2006Earths Endangered Creatures- Asiatic lion

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