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Monday, May 27, 2013

Imbio Ali - Giant Panda

      Imbio Ali
Endangered Species Research Project
The common name of animal is giant panda. Scientific name of animal is Ailuropoda Melanoleuca. The giant panda is an extremely rare animal found mainly in the Western Szechwan province of Southwest China.  The size of the panda is 165 to 330 lb.

Giant panda is a solitary animal and it’s not predator or it doesn’t fall prey to other animals because it mostly eats bamboo, which is a plant.
Giant panda is a omnivore because they eat fruit, berries, fungi, grass, and even small mammals like birds and fish but it mostly eats bamboo.
Pandas continue to defecate while they sleep, so the number of droppings at a site helps indicate how long a panda has been napping, with rests lasting more than 2 hours accumulating between 11 and 25 droppings.

Giant panda can specifically be found in China. Southwest China.
Pandas natural habitat, they are very good climbers and use their skills to escape predators. They are also able to move quickly and silently allowing them to evade predators through tunnels of bamboos. The giant panda is only found in central and Western China, and only 1000 to 2000 remain in the wild. The World Wildlife Fun and the Chinese Ministry of Forestry have developed a conservation management plan outlining 14 panda reserves and five corridors connecting patches of panda habitat.

Some causes of population decline is:
•Poaching the animals for their fur has declined due to strict laws and greater to public pandas awareness of the pandas protected status.
•Hunters seeking other animals in panda habitats continue to kill pandas accidentally.
•Forest destruction also reduces pandas’ access to the bamboo they need to survive.

What is being done to protect the animal today is by increasing the area of panda habitat under legal protection. Creating green corridors to link isolated pandas. WWF has been helping with the Chinese government’s National Conservation Program, panda reserves now cover more than 3.8 million acres of forest.
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