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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


  • they  can weight up to 4 pounds

  • a tail length of two feet

  • can grow up to 16 inches
  • . The aye-aye is a lemur looking creature with large eyes, black hair, big bat like ears, and a long bushy tail with a slate gray to brown coloration   
  •    Aye-ayes are often caught alone because they like to be alone, eat alone, even sleep alone 
  • They eat , sleep , and mate in trees but at night the hunt
  • most likely it would be up to six nests in one tree 
  • if a aye-aye don't get back to its nest another will take it 

the main reason the aye-aye is endangered because of people killing it
people kill  aye-ayes because there ugly and they believe that it is bad
luck if they point their long middle finger at you then you will have
bad luck and you will die and you got to kill. if it gets away then your cursed.In this picture right here this man named bob love was in
madagascar and saw a creature hanging from its feet and asked a man
what happen and why is it hanging upside down. He asked the man what
happen to this animal and the man said i hung it and beat it to death bob asked why he said he's bad luck. so if you go to madagascar you might see aye-ayes hanging from their feet dead or still alive about to be cooked or beaten.

aye-ayes hunt by tapping their skinny long finger on a tree and when they hear something move in the tree with their big bat like ears then chew through the tree and use their long finger to get it out and eat it . they keep doing that until they full.But the aye-ayes also eat meat to they will not just kill a animal but if it is already dead then the aye-aye will eat it.


the aye-aye lives in northern east coast of madagascar often caught alone. aye-ayes perfer to live in habitats with forests,mangroves,and bamboo thickets but many live in cultivated areas due to deforesting.


the current size of the aye-aye population is 1,000-10,000 individuals. without all the the deforesting done they live in tall tree wet areas like a rainforest.

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