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Friday, May 10, 2013

suleiman abukar Gray Wolf

Name: Suleiman Abukar                                 Tittle: Gray Wolf                                        Date:5/5/13             
The gray wolf is endangered species. The scientific name of animal canis lupus.  The gray wolf is the largest of canines and can reach a weight of 80 lb and 5 to 6.5 feet in leanth. It can live for up to 13 years.
The gray wolf is an excellent hunter seeking animals and preying on them using their secant. They live in the pack. Wolf packs consists of two parents, their offspring, and a few other non-breeding adults. Females give birth to five or six pups that depend totally on their mother’s milk for seven month.
  Such as moose, elk, bison, or deer. When alone they hunt smaller animals such as here or beavers. Wolves can travel up to 30 miles a day searching for prey. Wolves are also known for their howling.
The gray wolf is listed as endangered with the US fish and wildlife service in Mexico and 48 states in the US. Only the population within the western great lakes DPS is proposed for removal from the federal endangered species list. States within this range are Michigan (upper peninsula), and Minnesota. As of April 20, 2009 the gray wolf will still hold an endangered status in all remaining states (41) and Mexico.
The main threat to the survival of the gray wolf was many due the hunting and trapping of the wolf because it was thought of as a nuisance and habit loss due to human encroachment into wolf territories. The gray wolf population was almost completely wiped out, but the gray wolf is now legally protected and is said to be thriving and may even be taken off the endangered  species list.

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