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Friday, May 10, 2013

Bryan Millet , Tigers

Bryan Millet

                                 Endangered Species Research Project

The Tiger (description of animal)

The tiger scientific name is Panthera Tigris the appearance of the tigers generally have brown or black stripes with orange fur but sometimes the tigers are born with white fur and black stripes .
(source name :  . The Tigers size is between 400 and 700 lbs. is over 8 or 9 feet tall .  A Tiger Would Win A Fight With A Lion Because The Tiger Is More Faster And Stronger ,
Habits And Behavior 
            The Tiger is a solitary animal they fight for their territory . They are predators tigers are carnivore tigers feet mostly on deer , wild boar, wild cattle and even young rhinos and Elephants . Tigers are like domestics cats in that a great deal of their time is spent resting or sleeping . A tiger will spent between 16 and 20 hours each day doing very little apart from living in the shade. (source name; If A Tiger cud’s are stillborn or if they die the mother will often eat them .
Natural Habitat
            The tiger is found in Asia , Thailand and India for the most part they live in the tropical rainforest. They live in the forest in tropical areas , savannas and temperate forest also swamps where there are a lot of plants and where they can find food .(source name; Some tigers enjoy water .
Historical Population Data
            Practically by the 20thcentury the tigers population was 100,000 now it is estimate that as few as 3,200 that’s the current population scientists have at least half of them in captivity to help them reproduce so they can put them back in the wild again to make the population grow . (Source Name;
Conservation Effort-What is currently being done to help

            The Human Population expansion and contamination of the forest are causing the tiger population to decline. People aren’t conserving the forest .There is a Loss of habitat for tigers because are people hunting and killing the tigers and sometimes killing the others animals that are prey for the tiger . The Government made a law that protect every endangered animal . They Identify and monitor the tiger population . the government maintains focus on the tigers and put them in isolated habitats. Some of them go to zoo’s where they can take care of them and get food and not be in risk of getting kill . They put them in an area far from humans.
(source name ;

                                                    Work’s Cited
Title: Tiger
Glenn , Tiger , , 12/8/2008 , Access Date 5/3/2013 , Access Date 5/3/2013

 , Access Date 5/3/2013

Tigers in Crisis , , Access Date 5/3/2013

Tiger track

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