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Friday, May 10, 2013

Nathalie Lopez- Little Spotted Cats

            Little spotted cats are an endangered species. The scientific name for Little spotted cats are Leopardus tigrinus. The way that a little spotted cat looks like is that their fur are pretty much tan (some white) with black spots and black rings on the end of their tails; they somewhat look like a cheetah. Adults weigh only 4 to 8 ib and can only reach up to 25.5 inches long.
            Little spotted cats were solitary animals (they are usually are found alone). This endangered species were known as predators. Little spotted cats are carnivores, hey usually eat small rodents, birds, insects, and reptiles; some little spotted cats even eat little monkeys in Brazil. Little spotted cats are usually asleep all night and active day.
            This endangered species can be found in South America; mostly seen in scrubs in northeastern Brazil and forests in Venezuela. Little spotted cats’ natural habitats are humid evergreen and mountain cloud forests. They like to live in sunny/ rainy places so that it can be easier for them to survive. What happens if they can’t find food where they live?
             This endangered species’ original habitat is the forest. Little spotted cats were mostly in Brazil. How many little spotted cat s were there before? Why don’t they just keep the rest in captivity?
            A reason why little spotted cats are starting to go endangered is because people started destroying the forest so now they don’t have a place to live or they don’t know how their going to get their food. Another reason why they’re going endangered is because people are hunting them down for their fur. Now there’s a law that doesn’t allow people to hunt little spotted cats in some countries.

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