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Friday, May 31, 2013

Eleisha Vanderpool- The African Lion!

Endangered Species Research Project!!!!
created By Chantielle vanderpool!!

Section 1: introduction and description of animal…
The African lion scientific name of animal is called the panther leo.
Appearance: how does it look? All lions have tawny brown fur (apart from white lions) that has spots on when they are young.
 Size of animal:  the size of a male lion is 9ft long.

Section 2: habits and behavior of the animal…
The African lion is part of a pack; it is also a predator to almost all animals.
The African lion is a carnivore it only eats meat.
The African lion is mostly active at night, dawn.  

Section 3: natural habitat
The African lions live in north America, south America, Africa and Asia.

The lion which was found in Eurasia Europe,
“And Africa, today lives primarily on wildlife preserves in Africa

Section 4: current and
historical population data!!
The original, population of this species was over 50,000 before it became endangered…
Current population now… there are fewer than 23,000 lions in Africa!

Section 5: conservation effort-what is currently being done to help?
Tigers are
enemies of the African lions!!!
“natives in Africa are continually being taught about the decline of the lion population. The sacred lion kill slowly being converted into lion protection. Poison found in Africa that has been used to kill lions by natives they has been banned as well.” 

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